Celebrating National Womens History Month!!

Gail Coffler says she is still loves living at Parkshore, after 19 years, in her same apartment, looking over the park and the pond.  She moved here from Boston with her husband upon her retirement as Professor of English at Sufflok University (a well-known law university on Beacon Hill). Walter, her husband of 22 years , died after five happy years here. Later, Gail married Darold, a Parkshore resident and widower; they enjoyed several wonderful years taking OLLI classes together,  traveling and putting on programs at Parkshore and elsewhere. .

Gail’s academic work includes her dissertation on Herman Melville, author of Moby-Dick, two books on Melville’s classical and religious allusions, and several articles on Melville’s Billy Budd, Sailor. Her work led to her being named the President of the Melville Society, the lead honor in the field, in 2005.


Shortly after moving to Parkshore in 2006, Gail founded PLATO, Parkshore Learning and Teaching Organization, which presents speakers from both outside and inside Parkshore campus on topics of cultural interest, including art history, classical music, Russian current affairs,understanding  Islam , a series on Australia, just to name a few. Due to the success of this program, Gail received the Award for Best Programs put on by a Parkshore resident.  She has also taught OLLI classes at Parkshore as well as Great Decisions, and currently conducts a monthly Great Books Discussion group.

By Published On: March 19, 2025Categories: News